Underestimate Russia At Your Peril

Will Barack Obama join the long list who have made this mistake before? Events in Ukraine begin to look very worrying. Having annexed the Crimea in a matter of weeks, Vladimir Putin’s Russia is poised to grab large swathes of territory east of the Ukrainian capital,...

Zuma, Putin – Soul Brothers

Politically, you don’t mess with either Russian President Vladimir Putin or his South African counterpart, Jacob Zuma. Neither has lost a battle in a very long while. Putin’s record speaks for itself: two terms as Russian President, then a quick side-step into the...

Could the Western Cape Secede?

Secession and/or annexation are in the international air. What about here? Crimea’s mainly-Russian citizens have just voted to leave Ukraine and re-join Mother Russia. They say it’s about language and culture: Crimea has always been part of Russia and was “given” to...

King Coal: Profits Up, Lights Off

As consumers and industry wonder whether or not Eskom can keep the lights on, rest assured that a significant number of vested interests are intent on maintaing the status quo. Right now, there’s a thicket of claim and counter-claim about last Thursday’s load...